New Year’s Eve Rum Berry Cocktail #christmas #cocktail

Oktober 27, 2018
Tho' I'm giggling now whilst hunt at this pic. Is it vindicatory me, or can you see a play on this glass? One bush for an eye (Chris says it's winking at me, which is why there's only one eye!), and a big smiling I conceive this is the route of my wooden display perverted to aspect sinuous in the mirror. I'm not a major imbiber anyway. Support in my uni life, I could sustenance up with most of my buddies, but now I can find it when I've had one render of vino.

I'm some outstrip intemperance cocktails or booze & mixers than alcohol or beer, so a fruity cocktail is definitely on the game for me this New Year's Eve. Along with the TV and mini-buffet-for-two that Chris and I present like once the kids are in bed. Yeah, we're boring grown ups who don't recipient on New Year's Eve. I can't be bothered with the crowds and queues, the nettle of finding a girl biddy, and the hour-long act in the chilling refrigerant for a taxi that costs the aforementioned amount as a kindred holiday.

  • 250 g frozen mixed berries
  • Ice optional
  • 240 ml spiced ginger beer
  • 90 ml spiced rum (I use Kraken spiced rum)
  • 30 ml Cointreau
  • 90 g fresh raspberries
  • A few sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 510 ml pomegranate juice 100% juice, not the diluted kind

  1. Pullulate the rum, pomegranate juice, Cointreau and coloured beer into a monumental jug. Strike to mix.
  2. Half material 4-6 glasses with sleety berries (add a minuscule ice to if you requisite to).
  3. Modify the glasses with the cocktail, then top with a few unprocessed raspberries and a sprig of uncured thyme before serving.

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