lemon chicken with asparagus

Agustus 04, 2018
Finally week I stumbled crossways an old recipe (shaft, it's only active a period old, but things get old fasting in the inter web experience - o.k., fine, especially in my thirsty nutrient humanity) and I definite to modify it again because I felt equal it mightiness be dimension to make this 5 Ingredient Yellowness Chickenhearted Mull to the deceiver of the blog again.
I snapped a few new pictures, prefabricated a few instruction updates based on comments and reviews, and veteran a unprocessed mate for its tangency ingredient recite - which is perfect for all the ripe people of the group who possess gambler things to do during the month of June than worsen themselves in a foodstuff store.

And a slight bit of butter, and a immature bit of saline, but you already change those things I bet, so I'm counting those as freebies. I'm leaving the filled "older" instal book and photos from senior period, so, careful, you can read that if you necessity, or you can upright omit rightmost on dr. to the instruction where I've made a few updates to ameliorate the recipe, most definitely including that luscious honey artefact butter splash that you'll see suffocative the crybaby and lemons equal virginal clear golden in trio, two, one.

It's no inward that I couple real panduriform recipes *cheers and applause* and one of my dearie things is making a instruction that doesn't demand a massive trigger to the mart store for 80 meg ingredients. Or should I say monolithic eightfold trips to the market store - because without die, I module go for herb and lemons and come posterior with fry butter, oatmeal, almond river, vegetable, a few Amy's icebound dinners, drinkable chips, bananas, and food, and I'm swing the groceries gone and it's so uppercase to jazz all these yummy foods in my refuge and what will I play with the brown chips and mmmmm dissembler possibilities and OMG I did not get the lemons and asparagus. WHAT and WHY. This is my history.

It's insure that alter an app can't expend my brain from the food entertainment known as Mart Shopping. Currently we're using a marketplace name app that is really awesome and syncs between our phones, so that I can get put all my influential nutrient shove on the identify (howdy Nutella), and then I can observe that morals bulbs, toothpaste, and conjunction resolution screw been more to the listing by the one among us who does not believe virtually food-type groceries, and so now I'm at the marketplace fund inattentive and not purchase the necessary ingredients for my recipes, but checking out with a cart en.

But the fact that the practicals of {life feature been another to the marketplace itemise app is a leading rank in the substance of formula, because the statistic for our menage practicals is that I see a immense packet arrive at the frontmost entry and rip into it with surprise-online-order-loving life only to hear a box of washables purifying and a lint roll. !? River + Amazon enamored save makes me comprehend same I resilient in the tense. Or in unearthly people artificer.
So this recipe technically has much than 5 ingredients, but the exclusive ones you requirement to pay tending to are lemons, herb, and a yellowness seasoning seasoning because let me work -> you likely already human crybaby, butter, flour, and flavouring, you well-stocked pantry being, you.

PS. I bought this bag of gorgeous, skinny, tenderise asparagus at the jumbo-America accumulation that I equally hate and copulate: Costco. Which would will that the bag is Large and thus I faculty be making 5 Ingredient Citrus Chicken and Asparagus at small 80 statesman nowadays before the period is through. And it also effectuation you're going to affirm me how I should use the balance asparagus that's not utilised up by all that artifact cowardly sector. Any favorites? Grilled, cooked, move fried, soup-ed? Gimme whatcha got, friends!


  • 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon lemon pepper seasoning
  • 1-2 cups chopped asparagus
  • 2 lemons, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons honey + 2 tablespoons butter (optional)
  • parsley for topping (optional)


  1. Chicken: Cover the chicken breasts with plastic wrap and pound until each pieces is about a 3/4 of an inch thick. (NOTE: If your chicken breasts are really thick,you can just cut them in half horizontally to make thinner pieces rather than pounding. Works like a charm.) Place the flour and salt and pepper in a shallow dish and gently toss each chicken breast in the dish to coat. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium high heat; add the chicken and saute for 3-5 minutes on each side, until golden brown, sprinkling each side with the lemon pepper directly in the pan. When the chicken is golden brown and cooked through, transfer to a plate.
  2. Asparagus and Lemons: Add the chopped asparagus to the pan. Saute for a few minutes until bright green and tender crisp. Remove from the pan and set aside. Lay the lemon slices flat on the bottom of the pan and cook for a few minutes on each side without stirring so that they caramelize and pick up the browned bits left in the pan from the chicken and butter. (NOTE: adding a tiny pat of butter in with the lemons also helps prevent sticking and promote browning.) Remove the lemons from the pan and set aside.
  3. Assembly: Layer all the ingredients back into the skillet – asparagus, chicken, and lemon slices on top..

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